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ALXION was founded in 1987 with the challenge of designing and manufacturing precise and compact servo motors dedicated to the direct drive without gearbox of industrial automation axes. ALXION quickly established itself as one of the undisputed leaders in high torque permanent magnet brushless motors for direct drive thanks to its range of FC motors, more than 4000 of which have been manufactured and installed worldwide.

Subsequently, thanks to new powerful rare earth permanent magnets  and its mastership of electromagnetic and thermal simulation softwares, ALXION has developed new ranges of torque motors that are  more efficient yet in terms of compactness and equipped with  hollow shafts of high diameter, ST motors, as well as STK roto-stator kits dedicated to the mechatronic integration in a single assembly of the motor, the load and the industrial process. This integration is made possible by the combination of motor compaction and direct drive.

ALXION continued its pioneering approach by being one of the first designers of PM permanent magnet generators, also called permanent magnet alternators, for application in wind turbines and more particularly in small wind turbines. The generators are presented in the form of roto-stator kits to be integrated into the turbine in order to optimize the simplification, compact design  and increase in efficiency of low and medium power wind turbines converted to direct drive without gearbox.

The growth of STK roto-stator kits is very rapid and there are already more than 15000 STK kits installed worldwide as torque motors for direct drive of  automated axes as well as alternators in direct drive application,  small wind turbines and more recently in water turbines.

ALXION torque motors and alternators for direct drive are characterized by their compactness, their precision, their very high torque-to-weight and power-to-weight, their high efficiency, and their reliability, as shown by the many years of intensive use in the field giving complete satisfaction.

ALXION torque motors and alternators for direct drive are manufactured in ISO 9001/2000 certified workshops.

35 years of existence




Signature of a contract with a major company for design and supply of an utmost compact PM brushless motor with highest power-to-weight in the field of tyre manufacturing: 136 OEP motor.


CEO and Founder of ALXION

Doctor-Engineer in Electrical Engineering and Power Electronics from ENSEEIHT, Louis Banon began his career by designing at RENAULT the high-power brushless motors needed to replace hydraulic motors by electric motors on RENAULT-designed robots. In 1987, he created ALXION with the idea of providing industry with Permanent Magnets Synchronous Motors with  highest torque-to-weight and accuracy in order to allow the advent of direct drive without gearbox in  automated production machines. Subsequently, these automation motors for direct drive were used outside the factory in land and underwater propulsion as well as in amusement parks where the silence, compactness and reliability  made possible by the elimination of the gearbox are particularly sought after. . The operation of motors as alternators for renewable energies, in particular for wind and water turbines, also developed at the end of the 2000s.

Louis Banon - CEO ALXION
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